I currently teach a self-contained kindergarten-2nd grade class of special education students with significant behavioral needs. You can definitely guess that I never have a dull moment in my room, or in my hallway EVER!
My blog role model is Love, Teach, but sadly I'm never going to be able to be as awesome as her because this blog isn't anonymous. I can't tell my very best stories on here due to protecting my previous schools and my students. I really like her voice on her blog though and how she makes hysterical, absolutely relatable lists of things like "9 ways to survive when your school heater is the worst", and "7 things you really need this teacher appreciation week." Maybe someday I'll become as funny and creative as her?? I can dream.
I'll leave you with this one piece of wisdom. You haven't truly been initiated as a teacher until the janitor comes to tell you one of the students has been washing his hands with the urinal cake. If you can keep a straight face in front of your class after hearing that, you're ready for anything!
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